Stephanie M. Dawkins -Research Paper Topic

For my research paper, I will be focusing on drug use in adolescents.
My Essential Research Question is: Does the use of drugs in the novels deter readers from engaging in the dangerous acts?
Focus Questions:

  1. How is drug use portrayed in the novels? 
  2. What affects do drugs have on the characters?
  3. Does drugs become a major factor in their lives? Is it essential?
  4. Does the use of drugs impedes their success?
  5. What/How does parental guidance influences drug use?
  6. Why do so many adolescents turn to drugs?
  7. How do parents not realize that their child/children are doing drugs?
Overview: Negative affects of Drug Use in Adolescents and how it impacts their lives. Most adolescents do come across drugs at some point in their lives. Many are tempted to engage in the act and there are many that actually do. 

Why: This is a major issue amongst Adolescents.
Books: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Crank, The World Made Straight, And Diary
  • studies the # of adolescents who experiment with drugs
  • the affects of drug use 
  • prevention methods
  • why adolescents turn to drugs
Claim: Too many adolescents are allowing monstrous drugs to take over their lives.
Challenges:  None yet because there will be numerous amount of sources to provide me with reliable information.  


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