Hope Pierce- Research Topic

My research topic is along the lines adolescents adapting to their environments in order to survive their circumstances. At the moment I'll probably be focusing on three to four books, but more than likely four. In most of the books that we have read this semester, the main characters are forced into positions that require them to sustain themselves. They have to hold on in order to make it through their situations, and for some of them it is life or death while others is about empowering themselves.

My essential question is how do adolescents survive their environments? What factors are vital when trying to survive? Do they have a support system? Do they have positive friends to guide them? What roles do their parents play in their lives? Do they have some skill or something that they can use as an outlet? To answer these questions i'll be looking at The Hunger Games, Perks, Prisoner, and Diary. I may also look at The Skin I'm In in my research.

I selected this topic because it interested me. This whole semester the strength of the young characters when they are faced with impossible odds and circumstances that force them to basically fight for their lives has intrigued me. I plan on using most of the library database sources such as JSTOR, Project Muse, MLA Bibliography, and of course the novels themselves.

Adolescents have no choice but to survive if they want to make it to adulthood. Kids are extremely adaptable and resilient, and they have an easier time reconciling what has happened to them and being able to move on.

My biggest challenges will probably be finding enough research as well as research that explicitly correlates with my topic, so I may have to make changes to my original topic, which would be a pain.


  1. I really like your topic, I don't think I ever heard of a reaseach on how adolescents survive their environments. I think your on a good start and hopefully you find a lot of sources for it. Good luck!


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