Stephanie Dawkins- Crank

“Crank is more than a drug. It’s a way of life. You can turn your back. But you can never really walk away. The monster will forever speak to me. And today, it’s calling me out the door” (537). This quote to me sums up her irrational decisions all throughout the novel. Once Kristina aka Bree got a hold to that monster, she was always reluctant to fall for it, to listen to that voice in her head telling her that she need it and couldn’t function well without it. I wish that Bree would’ve gotten her life together, at least to save her relationship with her family, with Chase, and most importantly, with her baby. I initially thought, that after finding out that she was pregnant that that would be the end of her addiction, but unfortunately, she once again let me down.

All in all, Crank was an enjoyable read. It can be very beneficial to many people who decide to read her books; not only adolescents. However, as an upcoming teacher, I am definitely considering using this book in my classroom so that I can show my students all of the negative effects that drugs can have on you because I don’t think that many adolescents understand the severity of the drugs that they so often experiment with while they are growing up and being peer pressured into doing something that they may not be comfortable with but they don’t want to seem like they aren’t cool. This book really touched him for me as I know some people back where I am from that are addicted to drugs and they can’t seem to break that bad habit no matter how much they or others around may want to. “Quitting is next to impossible and even those users who suffer through often never recover completely” (515).


  1. I agree with you about wanting to share this book with adolescents in the classroom! I also think this would be an important book for adolescents to see, because it deals with so many tough, yet realistic events and themes.


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