Frances Bowles -Topic Proposal

My research paper will be on the social construction of identity.

Question: How do we look to other people to find or shape who we are?

Focus questions:
1. Does home life actually impact someone's future?
2. Can we honestly blame our circumstances/situations on others rather than ourselves?
3. Race tends to define how a person will be treated in society, but does the treatment of someone set limits on their life?
4. If abused, does that cause a person to follow in their abuser's footsteps; with the possibility of thinking or being told it's acceptable?
5. Do adolescents rely on their parents to inform them on what to do with their future?

Overview: YA usually base who they are, or who they believe they will become on the influence of others. How they are brought up in this world is caused by what has been instilled in them; however, it's unclear on how much they actually know about themselves.

Why: I'm interested in this topic because, I'd like to know how much of an influence  people have on someone's life, in order to create a good or bad person.

Titles: The Perks of being a Wallflower, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, and Fallen Angels

Resources: I plan to use academic journals and articles from the library database.

Claim: Self identity is discovered by looking within ourselves, not our surroundings.

Challenges: Trying to stay on track with this topic because it can lead into further explorations.


  1. I like your questions!
    "If abused, does that cause a person to follow in their abuser's footsteps; with the possibility of thinking or being told it's acceptable?" This will be very interesting to look at in context of Perks, I think.

  2. I think your topic is interesting. I think that majority of the books that we've read this semester dealt with people looking to others, and we were able to see how those people that characters turned to shaped them as people. I would love to know the answer(s) that you find out for your first question.

  3. I like your topic choice. Identity crisis runs rampant in today's society, and finding oneself is becoming harder to do without social influence. Personally, I think the only way someone can obtain full understanding of their identity is without the influence of their peers; however, that's not the case for everyone. I'm curious to know how your paper will come out.


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