Research Topic

So my topic is one that I think we can all relate to, and one that we've seen very recurrently throughout the books that we've read this semester. I'd like to research and discuss the various forms of survival that our characters have gone through throughout several novels. We've read about ten, so I think I'll focus mainly on three or four. Mayyybe five. Maybe.

One Essential Research Question: Why is "survival" such a key role in adolescent literature? Either literally surviving (Fallen Angels, Hunger Games, Prisoner) or metaphorically surviving (Diary, Perks, Caramello) is such a huge part of ad. lit that spans several years of publication and multiple cultures. Why is it so prevalent?

1) I selected this topic because I think its something that we can all relate to. On some level, all of us have felt (some of us still feel) the need to "survive". Even if its just school. That feeling of survival is real, and I think a lot of us have experienced it.
2) Hunger Games, Fallen Angels, Prisoner for "literal" survival. Perks, Diary, and Caramello for "figurative". Maybe blur the lines a little with books like the World and Persepolis?

3) Academic ones. Definitely Academic sources. Articles that discuss the theme already, and that I can base my work off of.

4) I'm going to go ahead and say that: Survival is a key theme in Adolescent Literature because its related (somehow) with adulthood. Adults survive, and adolescents want to strive towards adulthood subconsciously.
5) I think finding the right articles are going to be hard. Maybe reworking my thesis if it's not up to snuff.


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