Research Paper Topic Malik Floyd

For my research paper I will be focusing on the parental presentation in YA novels. My Essential Research Question is: Do parents get treated fairly in adolescent literature?
Focus Question:
1.      How are parents portrayed in adolescent novels?
2.      Do parents play an active role in YA lit?
3.      Does the parenting help or not help the adolescent characters in YA lit?
4.      Why do parents get the bad wrap in YA novels?
5.      Are parents displayed as bad parents because of the particular stage of adolescents?
Overview: During adolescents stages most adolescents go through a time where they lack communication from their parents. Is this the sole reason why in most adolescent novels parents are not practically absent?

Why did I select my topic: I selected my topic because in most of the novels we read this semester, the parents were displayed as weak or either absent?
Books: Perks, Prisoner, Diary          
Resources: I plan to research articles that corresponds to adolescent’s behavior and parenting. How bad or good parenting effect the adolescent? I think I will use the libraries database to pull out sources based or related to this topic.

Challenges: The biggest challenge I face is revision. I will try to get someone to read over my paper before submission. This will help me critique my work and add or subtract things that I need that may help or hurt me.


  1. I think that your topic sound really interesting. I feel that often times we don't think about the role that parents play in adolescent literature. I think most times we show more sympathy or concern towards the adolescent, versus how it makes their parent feel. I think you have great supporting questions as well.

  2. I think you have a good topic here. It's not something that I've ever really thought of -- how parents are portrayed in young adult novels. You've developed interesting questions to guide your research. I think you could even used Crank if you needed more resources, since Kristina's mother is presented very interestingly in the novel. Good luck!


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