Fallen Angles Malik Floyd

Overall I think that Fallen Angels is a great novel for the adolescent classroom. I say this because I feel like it is a great novel to use to teach adolescent about the Vietnam war. It is also a novel that should be approached with great caution. With all of the graphic murders and language Myers used throughout the novel it may not be ok for adolescent parents to read. The reason I say it is a great novel for adolescents is because most adolescents do not really know how war is. From their eyes war is something simple from the outside looking in and that is very understandable. This book is a great way to get students to see exactly how war is especially the Vietnam War. The Vietnam war was basically fought by adolescents and it was very devastating for them. I think this would give modern day middle school students a chance to actually place their self in the same position as Richie. This will let reality set in and really make them realize how gruesome the Vietnam war is. 


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