Welcome to ENGL 485: Adolescent Literature!
Welcome Back Everyone!
I trust you all had a restful and relaxing summer, and are ready to embark on a new and highly productive academic year. I am look forward to getting to know each of you, your path of study, and your goals for the future. I am equally enthusiastic about our exploration of Adolescent Literature, the novels we will read, and the topics we will discuss in this course.
We will use this site to post our responses to and questions sparked by our course readings and author studies. We will also post ideas for implementing these readings in middle and high school classrooms. In addition to creating your own entries, you will be required to read postings written by other course participants and comment on anything you find interesting.

I am super excited about the possibilities and potential this course holds. Literature is a powerful vehicle for sharing the human experience, and young adult readers need to see themselves and their experiences reflected in the books we teach. Let the reading, writing, and sharing begin!
Have a Happy Semester!
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