Joey Pacific Character Introduction

The operator cleared his throat before continuing, despite how tense the air has grown. "Ma'am, Mr. Pacific's dossier is finally coming in, and it's... interesting to say the least."

Director Thomas' brow furrowed. Eyes flashing over the document, she straightened up in her chair and began reading Joey's introduction...

My name is Joey Pacific, and I'm never content with doing the bare minimum when it comes to assignments that I can really sink my teeth into. My major is secondary education, with a focus in English. I've wanted to become a teacher back in the latter half of high school, and the more that I considered it, the more I wanted to take the plunge. As the oldest of four and the only real role model that my siblings had, it naturally fell on my shoulders to take the lead and instruct them in morality, simple life skills, and how to make our mom and dad proud. My parents still maintain that I'm the perfect poster child, even though I never think that I'm good enough. Self esteem issues aside, I truly believe that I'm doing what's right not only for my life but to also set the stage for my siblings as well.

My favorite book is The Stand by Stephen King, despite having read it for the first time back in 2008, at the tender age of 14. It was my first exposure to a realistic fantasy world, and I absolutely fell in love with it. Although the genre is something that I'm still not completely comfortable with writing, I can honestly say that this jump-started my passion to do more than simply read, I grew a strong passion to write. My goal for this course is to enrich my own personal library, to find an appreciation for adolescent literature,  and find books to teach to students. I'm YOUnique because I'm nerdy enough to build a computer from scratch, and I own a chinchilla named Caesar.


  1. Well nice to re-meet you, my dear Mr. Pacific. I'm also in Secondary English Education, and hoping to teach juniors and seniors as well. I've never really delved into Stephen King, but I want to! What would you suggest (other than The Stand) as his first book to read? And I have one younger sibling. I couldn't imagine three others.
    We all have self-esteem issues. Even though I participate in the lack of confidence, I can't understand why people still feel that way. I think everyone is awesome, and everyone should know it. But I'll jump on that freight train anyway.
    Again, great to Re-Meet You. See you in the operating room, Doctor Pacific.

  2. You are definitely going to be that English teacher that everyone loves. I love the idea of taking classes to enrich your personal library, and I super relate to always being hard on yourself. I wonder if maybe that's an oldest-kid thing. I have never read a Stephen King book but I have always thought the Dark Tower series seemed interesting and I really like the way characters from certain books of his will pop up in totally unrelated books. I love crossover stuff like that. Also I have the best memory of petting a chinchilla in 5th grade and I really wish I knew more about computers.


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