Frances Bowles

    My name is Frances Bowles, I'm originally from Chicago, IL but reside in Greer, SC. I have one sister and no pets. I'm a senior majoring in English with Commercial Music as a minor; although, I'm not sure what I want to do with my degree quite yet hopefully I will gain a job that's interesting and fun as well. Growing up I've never been a huge reader. In elementary school we had to read a book and be tested on the book that we read and because of that I didn't enjoy reading. Now that I'm older, I want to become a better reader so my goal for this semester is to read more and also learn about Adolescent Literature.


  1. I agree with you on that. Having to read something for school and be tested on it was never much fun. If we were allowed to pick our own books in school to analyze, I think it would have been a lot more effective. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works.
    Is your sister older or younger than you? I have a younger sister. Watching her grow up is wild.

  2. I can I can define agree with you about reading and wanting to become a better reader. I think that reading is a great way to become a better person depending on the book being read bh the reader


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