Hope Pierce

Hello I'm Hope. I am originally from Maryland, but I have lived in Greenville for a couple of years now. I am a middle child with both two older and two younger sisters. I am an English major and I transferred to Upstate this year from USC Columbia. I am heavily considering going to law school to study family law. My hope is that I will be able to help children or adolescents who cannot help themselves.

I learned how to read at a very young age. I used to read anything that I could get my hands on as a young child. But then I got older, and life got busier and I just didn't have time to read, and later I blame it on laziness. It also didn't help or pique my interest when my father, determined to get me into books tried to make me read historical non-fiction. I really hated reading after that. But everything changed when for the first time I was able to pick my own young adult novel. I cannot remember the name of the book but I'll never forget that that book made me fall back in love with reading again. I read and finished that book in hours, and the rest is history. Now days it's very unlikely that you won't see me with either a book in my hands or with my eyes glued to my iBooks app. My go to is fiction, but seeing as I'm an English major I'm trying to I develop more literary skills and expand my personal library so my goal is to start tackling the classics, one by one. It's a process, but then again I've got all the time in the world to keep my nose buried in a book.



  1. Hi, Hope! It's interesting that you're from Maryland -- I am too. My family moved to Spartanburg a decade ago. What's more is that I also transferred from USC Columbia to Upstate this semester. That's pretty interesting.


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