Christina Houck

My name is Christina Houck, but I go by Christie.  I'm a transfer student from Greenville Tech and live in the wonderful small city of Fountain Inn.  Even though my drive is only about 45 minutes from home, I've always wanted the college experience.  So I live in the Villas.  I'm studying as a secondary English education major and look forward to teaching in low income high schools.  

I grew up loving to read and write.  I've always enjoyed adolescent literature.  I started to read very young and by the age of six, I had made by way through The Hobbit, The (majority of the) Harry Potter Series, and some other popular series during the time.  At eleven, I had started reading into Shakespeare's plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and A Midsummer's Night Dreams.  I enjoy writing poetry and short stories in my free time, along with drawing, playing piano, and more reading. 

Living out in the country had its perks.  My family participates in a lot of animal rescues.  However, we do not adopt from Shelters.  We take strays that are starving or in danger off the streets, rehabilitate them, and find them homes.  It just so happens that their new forever homes happens to be ours.  I own five cats, one dog, and a rabbit.  Over time, we've saved over fifteen cats, five dogs, and a number of other random animals including raccoons, possums, birds, bats, turtles, and snakes.  We're all animal lovers, and will help out as often as we can.

I’ve chosen to teach for two reasons.  The first is to spread my love of literature and writing, so that students might fall in love with the language as well.  The other, however, is a bit more selfish.  My ultimate dream in life is to be a house wife and a mother.  Unfortunately, in this society, that dream has become slightly unrealistic.  And although I’ve met the man of my dreams, I will need financial stability.  So I’ve decided on a career that offers a lot of time off so I can focus on home life.  And between the month or two off for Summer and holiday breaks, I feel like a teacher is the right move for me. 

Well, this is a mini-introduction to The Life of Christie.  I can’t wait to get to know all of you, and work with you through this course!  Good Luck and Have Fun!


  1. Pleased to re-meet you, Christie! I must say, being a rescue for so many animals has got to be hectic to say the least. Although I do have a love for all animals furry and otherwise, having so many would be crazy for me. Your ultimate dream is nothing to be ashamed of, my fiance has the same dream. Although solely being a wife and mother is hard to accomplish, you can certainly be all of that and an amazing educator as well. And if all you're looking for is financial stability, being a teacher will provide (hopefully) enough to break even at least, as no one goes into teaching for the money alone.

    You seem to have a passion for education, which is incredibly important to become a good teacher. As far as Stephen King goes, I would recommend one his short story collections, just because of how short and easy to read they are. Some people are offput by the length of his novels, so his short stories "cut to the chase," so to speak. If you wanted a litmus of his style and whether or not you'd like him, I'd recommend "Just After Sunset", or "Different Seasons".

    Happy to meet you, Christie!

  2. I love that you want to be a teacher because based on reading this you seem to have the compassionate tone of a teacher. Also, I don't think you need to march to the beat of anyone's drums. If you want to be a housewife go for it girl! As long as you are happy in life, and have a family that you love who cares what society wants? The good thing about teaching is that you choose to not do it once you are married, or do it as an online professor while staying at home with your lovely children. Anyways, thanks for sharing!


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