James Cooley

My name is James Cooley and I live in Simpsonville.  It is a 30-45 minute commute but it is worth it.  I am an English Major and have quite a fondness for language and symbols.  Much of my spare time is spent playing and writing music, researching mythology and symbology, and playing video games.  Of course I grew up reading Harry Potter but latter on I discovered The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flammel series by Michael Scott.  It is a fantasy series much like Harry Potter but primarily used popular and obscure mythological icons and historical people as characters and villains, interviewing their stories into a modern setting.

Sadly past this I could not follow the adolescent fiction craze that followed.  I occasionally read adult novels by authors such as Steven King and Clive Barker, however, most of my reading time is spent on nonfiction.  A goal of this class would definitely be to reignite my passion for reading that I had four or five years ago.  Continuing my journey into the English Major as someone who has a hard time reading is definitely not desirable.


  1. I love Harry Potter, so I am definitely going to have to check out The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flammel series by Michael Scott. I hope it's as good as you say it is.


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