Luke Gilbert--We're All Full-Time Arnolds
Sherman Alexie's Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a wonderfully engaging piece for readers of all ages. Alexie's use of clever literary devices and playing with tropes, as well as it's deep storytelling, make it an entertaining read for the more "experienced" reader while also staying very appropriate and approachable for the younger crowd. Alexie almost brings one back to their own adolescence with a natural tone that captures the voice of our (well, most of our) inner 14 year old with talks about boners and breasts, but also managing to reach the reader in ways beyond humor and nostalgia. Diary hits all the nails on the head: crushes, puberty, and home life, with a healthy dash of Culture Shock thrown into the mix. Alexie's choice of using Arnold's in-story drawings is a very bold and interesting one that ultimately helps to bolster the narrative. We're being told this story from an extremely creative, extremely awkward teenaged boy who has trouble...