topic krishanda

I'm doing my critical response research on Mental health and depression in adolescence. I want to talk about why it's so relevant in adolescence, mainly what can cause it, like where does it come from. What can be done to help it? What are the signs? Why is it important? What should teachers do about it when they have a student that is clearly suffering and what should the parents do. Depression and mental health as a whole are very relevant being a young adult going through puberty, school, friends, popularity. I know a lot about this topic because for one I've dealt with it hands on. I know a lot of the signs and things that can trigger it. I selected this topic because I want to research it and I think it's very important and is something that needs to be talked about. Books that nail the topic that I've read so far are Thirteen reasons why, Speak, Broken China, perks of being a wallflower and much more. I plan on using books about mental health, Articles about it and actual accounts from personal online journals about it. I will be using the above books as references for my paper. I know mental health and depression are touchy subjects so that itself is an obstacle that I will have to get through.


  1. I feel like you have a good basis for your topic. They questions that you are asking are very relevant and need to be discussed. I feel that the books that you chose are very good ones for this topic!


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