Thirteen reasons why - Krishanda Davis

Thirteen reasons why was one of my favorite books we’ve read this semester, mainly because there is a TV show for it so it has a visual. The book touched on many deep topics that young adults deal with on a daily. Relationships, sexual assault, suicide, losing friendships, dealing with someone you like that doesn’t know you like them, problems with parents all of that. I feel like it was something young adults needed to hear. As far as the story itself for some reason I don’t like it. I understand what Hannah went through I just wish she would’ve understood at the end of the day there was a light at the end of the path. I also don’t like how she made the tapes based off things that happened because a lot of the tapes were surprising. People don’t realize what they are doing when they do it, they don’t think about consequences and the people on 13 reasons why are young so they of course didn’t understand what they were doing or might have thought it wasn’t that big of a deal. To be someone on the tapes like Clay or Sheri who didn’t realize they were affecting so bad until after she killed herself Is big, it’s hard on them to have someone basically blame their death on their mistakes. I feel like the book touched on serious points, that I like but I don’t like how it was executed in some ways. 


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