crank blog

When we were first assigned to read crank, I was hesitant at first, when I was younger, my sister would always read Ellen Hopkins books and they had this poem form that I didn’t like. I would always read the books she read because she was older, and the books seemed to be more interesting. When I picked up the book crank that she had I read a few chapters and wasn’t interested. I kind of got lost because it was a different kind of book. Reading crank now as an adult I liked the book. I liked the story it was very deep, something that’s not talked about and I felt it was important. Young adults need stories like this because its true and addiction is real. It shows the ugly that goes on in this world things people don’t want young adults to read. Ellen Hopkins did a really good job with the plot she didn’t hold anything back, the fact that it was her daughter that went through the addiction she had a close part in the story. I’m glad I sat down and read the book because it’s going to stick with me.


  1. I was also hesitant to pick up the book. It is great that you have learned to like the book though! I agree that stories like these are imperative so that we may learn and grow regarding these topics. They are also important in the classroom as the student or their parents may be dealing with things like divorce and/or drug abuse. It is crazy that she was able to adapt this off of her daughter's life story. Great blog!


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