Research Topic

I am writing my paper on Mental Health Illnesses and the effects that it has on students, teachers, and close or surrounding friends. I want to focus on how there can be intervention in schools and overall professionally trained psychologists to be hired on as aids.

The research that I want to focus on are the statistics of mental illness and its effects on adolescents.
The challenges that I see include finding accurate enough evidence of the effect on adolescents, and supportive articles about how teachers deal with students with mental illnesses.
The Book that I want to focus on as of now is 13 Reasons Why
Questions that I want to focus on are as follows:

Should there be trained psychologists in schools to work with students who struggle with a mental illness?
How can we as teachers monitor a student's’ mental well-being?
Should there be a training for teachers to go through to be prepared for students with mental mental illnesses?
How can we as teachers and guidance counselors detect the signs of any mental illnesses?
What are the different mental illnesses?
What are the triggers of it?
How do we as educators create a safe and comfortable environment for students with mental illnesses?


  1. I really like your research question about if teachers should be trained to interact with students with mental illness. I am very interested in your findings on that question, because it is something I feel wary about in the classroom. Also, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven is a relatively new YA book that focuses on mental health!

  2. Andreana, this is a great topic! I think you have some super great questions to talk about in your paper and 13 Reasons Why is the perfect book to look into about this topic. The overall topic about mental illness is great, but maybe since you're specifically going to be talking about mental illness in regards to 13 Reasons Why, you could focus in on suicide and depression specifically, just to make your topic a little more specific if you want to. Good luck!

  3. I like how focused you are on your topic; you're very precise in how you want to apply the research and information you've found. The questions presented all feel very valid and involved in the topic as well. Personally I would think that given the number of students and how broad certain teacher's skill-sets already need to be and how spread thin they are, expecting them to undergo even more specialized training may be too much or perhaps may not do enough for students to be viable in some cases. Perhaps some training in detecting the signs so a student can be directed to more appropriate channels for help would be useful, however.

  4. This is topic is a great one to discuss because it is needed in the community under certain circumstances with the mass shootings.

  5. This is a great topic, I really think that Mental Health is often swept under the rug and not talked about enough until it's too late. I really like your question about teachers monitoring mental health. I think teachers should really get to know their students individually so that when they are going through things that a change will be quite obvious and teachers can help students get the help that they need.


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