Determination During Chaos

Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz was an interesting read. This novel is a great book and has very important information that I feel would be fundamental to society, but I must admit that it wasn’t one of my favorites out of the selection that we've read already. I almost feel guilty for not liking the book as much because I know that it is based on a true story and the things discussed in the book really happen, but I just think it was a really hard book to read. Though may I add, not hard in context or structure form, but hard to read without emotions pouring out. Some of the things in the book I couldn’t ever imagine an actual human going through, but it was the reality during this period of time. I will say that one thing I admired about this story was, Yanek strength to survive through this horrible time and not give up.  
One theme that can be suggested of this novel could be determination. Yanek throughout the story is determined to do a number of things from protecting his family, fighting to stay alive, and working no matter how bad it hurts. Gratz was able to portray Yanek's determination through passage on many occasions an example being when he was at Tazebina concentration camp and was struggling carrying rocks stating, "One day, in the middle of hauling rocks again, I vowed not to be killed without a fight" (Gratz 109). This passage shows Yanek determination because even after he found out about how the rocks were used to make a mockery of Jews, Yanek still strives to do his best and prove the Nazis wrong because they expected him to give up. My favorite quote of the book is also stated within this same moment where Yanek says, "We shouldn’t be trying to survive, we should be trying to win" (Gratz 109). I think this quote reveals Yanek's determination to stand up for not only himself, but for the entire Jew community.  
Overall, I do think this book would be great to introduce in the classroom because it will teach students how to appreciate each other more. I feel this book will encourage students to show care, respect, and love for each other. This novel will help shape students and help develop relationship with other students where race, gender, or social status wouldn’t matter. Prisoner B-3087 will also help enlighten students on real life events that have taken place in history and the importance of it.


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