Prisoner B-3087

  Prisoner B-3087 was an excellent read for me. Although I usually tend to read books that are more uplifting and comical, this is great material for students that I will teach in the future. Like mentioned in class, Sharissa made an excellent point about how this book can be easily accepted by upper middle school boys. Throughout middle school and high school I can recall reading and learning mostly about Anne Frank. I think this material would bring in a different view point from another adolescent that survived the Holocaust. I love reading about Anne Frank and think her story was an incredible one as well, but it would be amazing to have options as a teacher about materials that can be taught and that can be reached to all my students. As for the book itself, I believe that Alan Gratz did an excellent job with the opening. For any 8th grade student opening this book and reading, "If I had known what the next sic years of my life were going to be like,..."(Pg. 2) 
Following this passage on (Pg 11) Yanek's father says "Let them take everything. They cannot take who we are." I believe that this also foreshadows on how this is what really is going to come down to. At the end Yanek will be striped down of everything, clothes, weight, and family but he kept going. In his own words, "My heart was thumping, but it made me feel alive, and feeling alive made me want to stay alive." If anything that book will bring a different coming to age story then most books that will be read. I think it would make any reluctant reader want to read this and see what happens next. Also, another element about the book that I personally enjoyed was that fact that it did move fast. It might be a terrible expectation of me in books but with my hectic schedule I loved how it kept the reader on their toes. Will this be the part where Yanek dies, where is he being moved to now. 


  1. Yes, I def. want to expose this book to 8th graders. This was my first holocaust book and I love how he keep the readers on their toes like you said. I also love the fast pace because my mind is constantly trying to feel in the blanks, which leaves so much room for my imagination to take over. He doesn't go into gory detail, but says just enough for each person to picture it in their own way and filter it with their experiences. Great post.

  2. Karen, I agree that it is a good book for future students. It is nice that it targets male audience so that teachers can get them interested. It is awesome that you reflect on your experiences to make your future student's experiences better. I love the quote that you used! It is a different example of coming of age for sure. Awesome blog!


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