Teen Pregnancy

I plan on doing my research paper on the topic of teen pregnancy. I believe that teen pregnancy has always been an issue in today’s society and doesn’t receive the proper awareness as it should. In this paper I want to focus on how teen pregnancy is portrayed in society through the media and how that affects female teenagers perception of this issue. Some questions that may help with my research topic would be:

1. What can society do to help reduce teen pregnancy?
2. How does the school system support teen pregnancy?
3. How can we encourage teenagers to not get pregnant, or practice safe sex?
4. What support is available for teen parents overall?
5. What race has the most teen pregnancies?

I want to do my research on this topic because I was a pregnant teenager during high school, and it was something that changed my life forever. I feel like if I would have been aware of certain things or had someone there to guide me through my adolescent years that some of the decisions that I made would've been better. A book that we have read that relates to my topic would be Crank because in this story the main character experiences teenage pregnancy. Other resources that I may use, will be televisions shows that have brought light to teen pregnancy in negative and positive ways. I will also use articles and peer reviews on teen pregnancy.


  1. I really like that you chose this topic, Kesi. It is very relevant and there are many sources related to it that you can incorporate in your research. You can also go into detail about the different effects that teen pregnancy has on teens and the transition from child to parent

  2. I think this is a really good topic to do research on. I agree that we hear a lot about it, but never anything that involves an educational factor. Targeting media is a very appropriate route to take when confronting teen pregnancy. I love your questions because they all involve help and support. Teen pregnancy is almost always in a negative light, it is very thoughtful to question resources for help. It is great that you can provide a first-hand experience to your research. I believe that it gives the paper that much more of a voice when it connects to the author. It is so awesome to have your experience and your questions hi lighted through your research. Awesome topic!


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