Research Proposal

What are some of the main causes of teens committing suicide and what are red flags parents and teachers must look for in order to help prevent such cases from happening?
1.     Is it important for teachers to address odd behavior in students?
2.     Should teachers get involved in the personal lives of students outside the classroom?
3.     What goes on inside the mind of an adolescent leading up to suicide?
4.     Who does suicide effect other than the victim?
5.     Is suicide and easy solution or the most selfish thing someone can do?

I selected this topic because the book Thirteen Reasons Why just pushed some of my buttons. I know this is a touchy subject for most people, but I wanted to voice my opinion on the matter and perhaps raise awareness. If we work together as a society to catch the early signs, we can keep students from believing that taking their own life is a good solution to their problems.  I will be using this book to reference my paper. I plan to use journals and articles pertaining to the subject of suicide and its effects on victims and loved ones. I know there will be a few challenges in this paper because this subject gets a lot of feelings involved. I hate to idea of suicide and death so I know this will be difficult for me but I am up for the challenge.


  1. I think your paper is going to be really interesting and i'm ready to see where you go with this! Suicide is a very touchy subject. I definitely think we as soon to be teachers need to be more open and know the signs of a student dealing with depression.

  2. I think this topic will be beneficial to a lot of people because suicide is something that’s taking a toll in today’s society. I feel that awareness of this issue will help others to pay attention to the signs in hopes of saving a life.


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