
      My name is Chelsea Chan and I'm a junior with a clear view on my path in life. My daughter Ellie turned three this summer and it's a beatiful experince to witness a mini you grow physically and intellectually. Everyday she does something that amazes me. I have always been able to soak in information which grew to an appreciation of wisdom and understanding. Especially now in this point in my life where I surrendered my life to Christ and have been saved for ten months. So coming back to school I can already notice my view on everything is altering now that I am spirtually maturing.
       In high school my all time favoriate author was Meg Cabot and she wrote the Princess Diaries series and also other trilogies like Airhead, and other mature novels such as boy meets girl. Now that I am living a Christian life, I love Francine Rivers novels such as Redeeming Love. Another one of her books I finished was A Lineage of Grace which cleverly illustrates important females in the bible from their point of view. One thing that keeps me reading is the getaway from my life to another characters world, which allows me to take a breather from my world.


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