Introduction- Andreana Atkins

Hello everyone! My name is Andreana Atkins (everyone mispronounces it so don't feel bad. Just take out the "a" after the "e" and you're golden) and I am a senior English major here at Upstate. I am 23, and my hometown is Greenville, South Carolina. I have loved English and writing for as long as I can remember, and knew I wanted to be an English teacher since I was in the 6th grade, at the tender age of 11. Haha, don't you just love that word, "tender"? It just so happens that our student teacher in 6th grade was the most awesome teacher ever and I wanted to be just like her. Miss. Johnson, I will never forget her. She became my full time English teacher when I got to 8th grade and I couldn't have been more stoked about it. Cried like a baby when I had to go to high school, but she still kept in touch with my parents. Still can't find her until this day. I only hope to be as fantastic of a teacher as she was.

I LOVE to write. Short stories, flash fiction, you name it. But in order to be a good writer, you have to be a good reader! I love to pick up a novel or a short story from time to time. Mainly when school is in session, let's be real about it. But mainly when I need inspiration to write. My favorite author of all time is James Baldwin. Period. I love him simply because his writing is not only easy to read, but it also challenges me to "close read" everything that he has ever put out. I like other authors such as Stephanie Meyer, Pearl Cleage, Stephen King....I mean the list goes on. Just thinking about those amazing authors excites me!

I would have to say my favorite YA saga would have to be Twilight. STILL, until this day. Can't remember how many times I've read all of the books and watched the movies. Just can't get enough. Could never figure out if it was the language that drew me in, or Bella, or just how intriguing The Cullens were. Of course, Miss. Johnson made us read the entire novel in 8th grade. That's how I knew I would enjoy YA literature going forward. I am SO looking forward to this class so that I can broaden my YA literature experience!


  1. Hey Andreana! I also loved Twilight. I remember absolutely busting my tail trying to get the library to get New Moon, and the absolute heartbreak I experienced when reading it. Isn't it cool how books can leave such a tremendous memory with us long after we've read it? I can still remember how I felt when I checked out each Twilight book!


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