Introduction- Karen Medina

Hello, my name is Karen Medina, I am 28 years old and would fall into the category of "Non-Traditional" student. I recently celebrated my 5 year anniversary of marriage, my husband and I have a 3 year old son and we are welcoming our 2nd baby on Valentines day. Yes, my life is as stressful as it sounds. It is extremely hard to juggle school, work, and home life. With that being said, my son is my biggest motivator to finish college once and for all, (no matter the number of mental breakdowns I have a semester).

I currently work as a first grade assistance and although I love it, it has shown me that Middle Level is the place for me. Middle level with English/History concentration. I am not sure which concentration I would like to start out in, both have great things that I enjoy. I love reading and writing BUT with my busy life I hardly have time to read or write. I will say that I am a bit of a romantic and enjoy anything written my Nicholas Sparks. Also, working with small children I have had the opportunity to ready children books, and although they aren't books that I can read on a Sunday afternoon they are books that I enjoy reading them to my son. Authors like, Mo Willems, Laura Numeroff, and of course Dr. Seuss. I will say that I am excited about the books listed for this class, I am always open and ready to read new books and to be exported to new worlds through them.  This will be my second year at upstate and have enjoyed meeting future educators who in one way or another have given me hope that I am not alone in this journey.


  1. I started to tell you in class you were glowing, but I wasn't' sure if you wanted everyone to know yet. You're so beautiful girl and I'm so blessed to have you in my class again. Romances are so breathtaking, I love Nicholas Sparks too. Keep pushing, I know everything seems so hectic right now, but it is only temporary. You have a bright future and a beautiful family.


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