Introduction- Erika Kozub

My name is Erika Kozub and I am a junior here at USC Upstate majoring in Middle Level Education. I am a local to the upstate, but originally born in Ukraine where I lived for 2 years before moving to the United States with my family. I graduated from Byrnes High School in 2015 immediately planning to attend USCU in the fall to major in education. I've known for a while that being a teacher was the profession for me. I love to learn, and love teaching even more. Coming from a huge family, I am constantly surrounded by kids and teenagers and I absolutely love it!  am an active member at Way of Truth Church in Inman where I am am a leader for many local missions and a Sunday School teacher. I am a huge coffee drinker and Disney fanatic! I'll cook just about anything, especially when I'm stressed. I'm a fish out of water and wish there were more hours in a day where I can find myself in a pool. My current obsession is my "old people" show on Hallmark Channel called When Calls the Heart which I've seen twice all the way through as I impatiently wait for Season 5.

I wish I had the time to read as much as I used to, but I definitely still have many favorite authors. I am guilty of being a basic girl and obsessing over romance novels. I especially love Christian authors such as Francine Rivers, Traci Peterson, and Karen Kingsbury. I also enjoyed the Hunger Games and Divergent series when I was in middle school. My favorite books, however, would have to tie with Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre. I obsess over these books! The story lines were incredible, the writers were incredible, the way it was written was incredible! All around, i just absolutely LOVE these stories. Classics that will never get old. I've always enjoyed reading from a young age, but it wasn't until high school I thought it was a great idea to actually teach the literature I loved reading so much. So between my love of reading and my love for history, I couldn't settle on one so I went with both! I can't wait to see what the future of this class teaches in order to help me become the teacher I've often dreamed to be.


  1. Hey Erika! I absolutely love When Calls the Heart, too! The storyline is awesome, and it's just a feelgood show. It's nice to take a break from reality sometimes and watch something that makes you feel good! I love the classics too, but you should definitely check out "Jane Steele", "Eligible: A Modern Retelling of Pride and Prejudice", and "The Jane Austen Project". The first two are modern retellings, and the last one is a time traveling delight. I read all three this summer, and they're great!


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