Introduction- Sharissa Aho

Hey Y'all,

My name is Sharissa. (I always have to spell it out at Starbucks.) I am a sophomore here at Upstate. I was home schooled ever since I was in first grade, although I try to leave that out. There are a lot of stereotypes for being home schooled, so I let people get to know me before I get all of the home schooled jokes. And yes, I have heard all of them. I played volleyball throughout high school, but I also got the best of both worlds and was apart of a drama club, where I was cast in a few musicals.

When I started college, I had no idea what I wanted to major in, but I knew that if I did not go right after high school, I would never go. So I went. By the end of my first semester I figured out that I wanted to be a teacher and inspire lives, while I was in the middle of a presentation. My major is now Secondary Education focusing in English. And I have never been more exited to finish college. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. When I had to read it in high school, I read it three times in one week. Now don't think I read every book like that because I don't but this book captured all of my attention. I also enjoyed the Divergent trilogy. I will read anything that grabs my attention on the first page.


  1. I think it's interesting that you included that fact that you were home schooled even though you usually leave it out. There are so many stereo types and misconceptions. Don't ever be afraid of being seen in all your glory. Being home schooled is part of what made you who you are, always embrace that. I admire the fact you went to college after acknowledging you wouldn't if you didn't do it now. Keep pushing, I know you have faced challenges and situations your peers haven't. I'm proud of you, never stop shining !


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