The Hate We All Give
For a long time now, I have tried to avoid reading and watching 'The Hate you Give' for the main reason of that I am unable to control my emotions when it comes to discussing race. With saying that, I am actually very grateful that I was able to read the novel because I can relate to the feeling of how not only the main character felt, but how every person who wanted justice for khalil felt. I could more remotely connect to Starr, for her struggle of understanding how to find her voice throughout the novel. Even outside of situations such as this one, being able to find your voice could be difficult to some, including me.
When reading, I could do nothing but feel anger, upset, and confusion. I have never be able to connect so deeply to a book such as this one. Such as Starr, i struggle to voice my feelings about this topic because of how some people assume or already portray the situation already. I felt for Starr deeply. When her so called friend Hailey was assuming that Khalil was a thug, a danger to society, "Like, I mean...if he was a drug dealer....that explains why...." page 183, it was enraging. How can anyone make an assumption on someone or something when they don't know them or they weren't there? Well it happens a lot and not only to the black community but to all communities.
Not only do I feel this is a great novel for outsiders to understand what is going on in the inside but it also gives a chance for the insiders to understand then outsides. To understand the situation is not one sided because realistally, all races experience some sort of racial profiling but since we are unable to be in someone's else shoes, some just don't understand. Like when Starr got upset for Chris being white with the pure assumption that he wouldn't understand how Starr felt or the situation because he was deemed 'priviliaged' for his color. I just wanted to smack some sense into Starr because incidents such as these happen in reality all the time and it's down right ignorant. I apperaite that the author included these moments within the novel because in some cases, the people on the inside don't take a chance to take a look at the people on the outisde. Aka, we all stereotype but we don't take time to understand but want to be understood.
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