Girl Meets Book

Boy Meets Boy was revolutionary for its portrayal of LGBTQia+ people in YA literature. I think that Levithan does a great job of bringing awareness to a “taboo” topic. A study on this novel can bring up healthy conversation within the classroom or with students questioning their sexuality. 

The main characters are teens, respectful teens. They are learning life and having struggles. It is known theory that Students learn acceptance and must combat intolerance, but I think it is the opposite. We learn habits, both good and bad, by example. If we, as teachers, show inclusivity and acceptance students are more likely be willing to have conversations or be more open. 

This book touches on most walks of sexuality, but it also addresses the heartbreak of navigating it. “With some breakups, all you can think about afterwards is how badly it ended and how much the other person hurt you. With others, you become sentimental for the good times and lose track of what went wrong.” (Levithan 18) Heartbreak hurts. It’s even worse when it is with people that don’t fully understand what exactly you’re going through or want to accept your situation. There is life after a breakup, and I think that may be a topic that would benefit adolescents. 


  1. I completely agree... This novel can absolutely bring up classroom conversations or conversations in general about those questioning their own or even just those who have questions about sexuality in a healthy way. I feel like this could open up their minds to being more open and accepting of themselves and others.


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