Girl meets Future


    Boy Meets Boy was such an eye opening book.  I never really realized how un-inclusive of a world we live in. 

    Through the book, we see insight into the main characters and their struggles through the course of the novel. We also see the normalization of LGBTQ people within a community. Me seeing this story play out and how normal it was for everyone really opens my eyes to how much people are still not okay with people of the LGBTQ community. The thing is, it is not going to hurt anyone for this to be normalized. Why is it even a problem? I don't see why we can't just let people live and love who they want. Even though people might not agree with this, it isn't really going to hurt them or affect them in any way because they can still love who they please, that will not change. If anything, being more accepting will only make more rounded people and bring more love into communities.


  1. I completely agree with you Bailey. It is sad that people still don't understand that another's sexuality does not affect them whatsoever. This reminds me when Tony is talking to his mom in front of Paul and she can't really say anything back because she knows she should follow her heart and let Tony be happy.

  2. I absolutely agree that the normalization of LGBTQ romance is not going to hurt anyone. I feel like that just comes down to people wanting to control people who are not like them - something this country was built on, physically and ideologically.

  3. I agree that people need to be more accepting and understanding.


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