Boy meets Fantasy


While I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and its inclusivity, I struggle to see how it truly brings awareness. Obviously it is great to see this big beautiful world where everyone is so accepting of LGBTQ relationships and things like transgender football players, but that is unfortunately just not the world we live in. I do believe that we are entering a world that is more accepting of the LGBTQ community, but we are far from a world that does not even bat an eye at two boys being in a relationship. I think that the storyline really lacks true interest and is completely riding on the fact that it is about a homosexual relationship. While I understand the reasoning behind this, in my opinion, if this novel was about a heterosexual relationship with the same plot, it would be quite possibly the most boring story ever. I think this novel could have brought more awareness and thrived more if it showed the actual lives that LGBTQ people live and what they really go through at school. 

    On the flip side, I can kind of see where Levithan was coming from with his idea. I feel like showing the normality of homosexual relationship in this novel makes people aware of how easy it is to just be accepting of these people. We often are guilty of acting as if homosexual relationships are a huge deal, but really they are just living their lives and dating people just like anyone else and that's how it should be viewed as. I feel like showing the drama that goes in the relationships in the novel kind of helps back up the normalcy of LGBTQ people because it is showing us that they are no different than us in that sense.  I do truly hope that one day this kind of world isn't just something that we see through rose-colored glasses and actually becomes reality.


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