Tiara Winton

Hiya Everyone?

My name is Tiara Alexandra Winton. I do not have any preferred nicknames, but I do find myself having to correct the pronunciation of my name so I think I might get one soon. I am originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. I was born and raised in the city of Fayetteville until the age of 12 when I moved to Spartanburg, South Carolina after my grandmother was appointed a church. Moving to another city was the best thing that happened to me because I leaned more about myself including my likes, interests, and hobbies. Some of my hobbies include painting, reading, and doing arts and crafts. I don't believe that I have a passion, but I do enjoy working with children and helping them find out what sort of things that they enjoy. My job also helps me interact with children to help determine the things they enjoy. I am a after school site supervisor, and I work Monday through Friday from 2:00 till 6:00 and sometimes 1 if my classes get out early enough. I am a very visible learner. I like to look at what I'm studying because it helps me create a guideline that I need to follow. I also have some troubles with my hearing, I do have a lot of ear infections so that may be the cause. I prefer print-outs, notes written on board, and closed captioning. A book that completely stands out to me would be "Wait Till Helen Comes" because it was a adolescent novel that went against the normal feel good atmosphere that most young adult novels try to convey. Books are the gateway to a happy place to  world where I created. The books I choose usually follow the same trope and that brings me comfort because it is never changing.


  1. I love the metaphor you use describing books as a gateway, and I totally agree with your comparison! I would love to learn more about which specific books impacted you as a reader, though I am not familiar with the title you mention. I really appreciate your willingness to share your style and needs as a learner, and will do my best to build an environment in which you can thrives. I love your humor and approach to your name pronunciation (I’ll try to do better with that as well.), and I am almost sure you have a passion for working with children. I am anxious to see you grow this passion and to learn more about your interests in reading and writing. Good luck this semester!


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