About Me!

Hello, My name is Asia Bre'l Thurman. I am originally from Rock Hill SC. I don't play any sports at all but I prefer to just watch them. One of my hobbies are making and customizing wigs.  In my spare time, I like to watch Scandal which is one of my favorite shows of all time and eat. At the moment, I do not work but am currently looking for a job.

As a learner, I prefer interactive activities versus lectures. I also like to feel like I am actually learning material and applying it. I feel that I don't do as well in classes where we have to take notes every single day on new material and then having a test on it right away. When I think about my childhood, a book that stood out to me was Green Eggs and Ham because that was one of the first books that I learned to read all the way through all by myself. A book series that I absolutely loved was the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.  During my childhood, books meant so much to me. You would never see me without one in my hand. Books were my "entertainment" and my way to get away.


  1. Which sports do you enjoy watching! I love being a specatator as well, with Baseball and Tennis being my favorites! I really need to learn more about your hobby of making and customizing wigs! That sounds fascinating! And it must involve a great deal of skill. I am happy to note that you enjoy being engaged in the classroom, and will do my best to construct a learning environment that fits your needs. It’s funny that you mention Diary of a Wimpy Kid, as my nephew is currently obsessed with those books. I would love to learn more about how reading has impacted you over the long-term in life. Good luck this semester!


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