About me!

Hey guys! My name is Taylor Renee Scott. I was born in North Carolina, but moved to South Carolina shortly afterwards. I consider Powdersville, South Carolina to be my hometown. My hobbies include playing basketball, soccer, going to the gym, hanging out with my friends, and going hiking. I am passionate about serving with the middle school girls at my church on Sundays and through the week. I currently babysit for a family sometimes during the week, and am looking for another part-time job, potentially at Chick-Fil-A.

For me personally, I love to do activities surrounding what I just read to help me stay engaged. I like to learn about things that I can relate to and apply to my life, which is why I really appreciate discussions in class. Thinking back to my childhood and adolescence, I remember characters like Odysseus, Katniss, Nancy Drew, and Tris from Divergent. They stand out to me because of all the adventures they went on and how they developed because of them. In general, books to me have been a way to learn about other cultures and ways of life.


  1. Hey Taylor! What part of North Carolina are you from? I have actually been to Powdersville a few time because they have a really good coffee shop there called Coyote Coffee. Have you ever been? Also, what are some of your favorite places to go hiking? I recently visited Looking Glass Falls and hiked in that area.

  2. Thank you for sharing detail about your work and your passion. I am excited to learn more about your work with youth at church. I visited my aunt and cousins in Powdersville almost every weekend growing up, so I am familiar with your hometown. I appreciate knowing that, as a learner, you like to stay engaged, and I hope this course will meet that need. I love all of the characters you mention in your post and would love to know more about how their respective books influenced you as an adolescent reader. Good luck this semester!


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