All About Me

Full Name: Phillip Jawara Kwame Owusu
Nickname: Phil
Birthplace: Beaufort, SC
Hometown: Blythewood, SC
Hobbies: I enjoy writing poetry, playing the ukulele, guitar, and the piano. I enjoy singing, dancing watching anime, listening to music and riding a longboard 
Work: 仕事をしない (shi-go-to'o-shi-na-i)
What do I need to know about you as a learner in order to help you become successful in this course?
    • I learn the best when I figure it out on my own.
Favorite Book as a Teenager: A Series of Unfortunate Events By Lemony Snicket
    • I really enjoyed this series as a kid because I was always wondering what unfortunate event was going to happen next. As I grew older I started to enjoy the silver linings that the author brings to the table. My favorite character out of the series Was either Violet or Klaus. I liked Violet because she was always inventing, and I enjoyed Klaus as a character because He was always reading some sort of book. The Icing on top of the cake for me was how the writer almost seemed to be speaking directly to me. He also explained new concepts as needed without dumbing anything down for the audience. 
Favorite Book Of All Time: Alice In Wonderland  By Lewis Caroll
    • Alice in wonderland for me was one of those children books that I never fully understand. It seemed to take you from one place to the next in a rapid succession. It all felt like a really good acid trip. My favorite character in Alice in Wonderland is without a doubt the Cash-ire Cat, mainly because I really, really, really, enjoy cats. As a kid I used to have one and it always used to curl up next to me while I was reading on my bed. 


  1. Wow! I am impressed by your desire to “figure things out on your own!” I too loved reading Alice in Wonderland as a child, and though I have read it or A Series of Unfortunate Events in many years, I appreciate your attention to detail when referring to characters and plot. I also enjoy learning about how these books specifically speak to you as a reader. I would love to learn more about the work you do. Good luck this semester!


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