All About Me

My name is Evon Youssef, but I go by Eva. I was born in a small town in Egypt and immigrated to America when I was almost five years old. In my free time I love to read, watch Netflix, hang out with my friends, and listen to music. During the summer I usually spend my time working at Panera, but during school I take time off to focus on all my classes. I learn best in the classroom when I am reading and writing. I also learn best when I look at visuals and examples. 

I first fell in love with reading in the third grade. We would sit in a circle and popcorn read out of the latest baby sitters club book. From then on I fell in love with reading because it felt like an escape into a different world. My favorite characters that stood out to me most in books were the fearless quirky ones. I really loved characters who were true to themselves through and through. The strong ones always caught my eyes and made me want to become a better person. Books have meant the world to me in my life. I love that I can be exposed to so many different personalities and perspectives from reading. In my adolescents, books were not only an escape to me, they were also a big looking glass into the world and helped me to understand a lot more about what others may be going through and how each of us all have our own stories to tell. 


  1. Wow! Your life seems like a grand adventure! I appreciate knowing that you like to be engaged in reading and writing during class time. I hope that also extends to discussions with classmates. I remember the babysitters club books well, but I do wish you had included more specific references to characters or plot lines. I agree that books are often an escape for adolescents, and that they stick with us for the rest of our lives. Good luck this semester!


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