About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Noah Goodwin and I prefer to go by Noah.  I am originally from Cowpens, but I now live in Spartanburg, right across the way from Chesnee.  My main hobbies would be writing poetry and playing video games.  I am also a classically trained singer, so I love to sing in my free time.  I work at The Piedmont Club in downtown Spartanburg.  I work roughly 15 hours a week.  On Sundays, I am payed to sing at the Church of the Advent in downtown Spartanburg.  As far as how I function as a learner,  I am very openly engaged in whatever coursework is at hand. For example, if we are studying and analyzing a text, I will definitely be vocal about my thoughts.  Thinking back over my childhood, the character that sticks out to me the most would definitely be Hermione Granger.  She is considered an outcast by some because of her muggle heritage and 'no nonsense' attitude.  However, she perseveres all of her adversary and proves to be one of the most intelligent and dynamic characters in YA Literature.  In my life, books have served as an escape to a different dimension when the real world becomes to frustrating.  I love the idea of looking at a different world through a different person's eyes and completely immersing oneself into their story.


  1. I am fascinated to know that you enjoy writing poetry and would love to read some of your work sometime. I too enjoy writing poetry, but mostly during the summer and on special occasions. I do read quite a bit of poetry almost daily to unwind and de-stress. The fact that you are a classically trained singer is also fascinating. I would love to hear more about the kind of music you perform outside of your religious work. Thank you for your willingness to share ideas and participate in class discussions. I hope these become the foundation of our course work. I LOVE Hermione and appreciate your reflection on what she represented. I too love looking at the world through various lenses. Good luck this semester!


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