About Me!

Hey guys!

My name is Carter McGill. I'm from Chesnee, South Carolina. Some of the things I like to do in my past time is workout, play basketball, and occasionally play the guitar when I can. Currently I work at Quiktrip as a clerk trainer. This is a full time position so I work 40 hours a week. The way I like to learn is very hands on, and discussion based. I like to hear others ideas and put all those ideas together to come up with a solution. Growing up I loved the Harry Potter series, but as I got older I really like Shakespeare. I love the play Hamlet, Macbeth, and Twelfth Night. These stand out because when I was younger I just read the Harry Potter books because I very interested in them, and I love the story. With Shakespeare's play's I realized I liked to analyze, and find the true meaning behind what he was trying to get across to his readers. Books overall have given me things to do in my past time, kept me interested, and helped me think differently about things within society.


  1. I appreciate knowing that you work quite a few hours each week, and that you enjoy participating in discussions. I am fascinated to note that you enjoy Shakespeare. I tend to gravitate toward the comedies a bit more than the tragedies. I totally agree that Harry Potter has some strong connections to classic lit. I would love to learn more about which characters in particular have had a lasting impact on your life. Good luck this semester!


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