About Me

Hello my name is Kiara McVay, sometimes my friends and family call me Keeks. I am originally from Columbia, South Carolina. Some of my favorite things to do during my free time is singing and dancing, I never played any sports. I do like to help people and make others laugh as well. I'm trying to put my main focus on schoolwork so I am not working right now but I did work this summer. I do struggle with procrastination but I always get my work done in time(not that it makes it okay, I'm working on it). I honestly cannot remember which book stuck out to me the most when I was younger because it was so many but I did find myself being interested in mystery books or whatever was most talked about at the time. Also, this is a huge step back but Geronimo Stilton was a series I enjoyed to read as a child as well - I thought his adventures were pretty interesting.When I was younger my dad would always take my sister and I to books a million on the weekends to find a book we liked so I feel like it just allowed me to expand my vocabulary and we treated it like a traditional activity.


  1. You have a most beautiful name, but I think I love your nickname even more. My daughter lives in Lexington, so I am fairly familiar with the Columbia area. Humor is a wonderful gift, and I appreciate knowing this about you, I hope you will enjoy the work in this course and not tend toward procrastination, though I am a victim of this disease as well. To be honest, I am not familiar with the Gernimo Stilton series, but I will try to check it ou. I love the story of your dad taking you and your sister to Books a Million, as my mom used to take me there when I was in high school. Good luck this semester!


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