About Me

Hey everyone! So I've never had any experience with a blog post so I hope I'm doing this correctly.

  • Full Name
    •  Logan Ashly Fowler
  • Hometown
    •  Born in Fairfax, VA/Grew up in Spartanburg, SC
  • Hobbies? Sports? Passions? 
    • I danced in high school, I love flag football and hiking
  • Do you work? If so, where and how many hours? 
    • I work at a daycare after school about 20 hrs a week and then wait tables at night at Hickory Tavern about 25 hrs a week
  • What do I need to know about you as a learner in order to help you become successful in this course? 
    • I’m an auditory and visual learner. I am also very good at multitasking so I may be looking at one thing in front of me, but listening and keeping up perfectly with the lesson. 
  • Thinking back over your childhood and adolescence, which books and characters stand out? Why?  
    • I just remember all of the dystonian books and characters coming out during my adolescence. Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Twilight- all that good stuff was what was popular at the time.
  •  In general, what do books mean or have they meant in your life?
    • Books meant quality time with my mom when I was younger, then they were tied into a points system, then they were strictly for school, and now they’re mostly for classes but I read for entertainment and self growth as well.


  1. Hey Logan! I LOVE The Maze Runner series too! Do you want to include dystopian themed novels in your future classroom?

  2. Wow! Your work load seems a bit heavy, but I love that you have the opportunity to work with kids. I also appreciate knowing that you tend to multi-task, though I hope you will enjoy being engaged in focused discussions of texts and issues related to adolescence. The fact that you tie reading to quality time with your mom is wonderful, though I wish we didn’t steal students’ joy for reading by assigning so much of it during early adolescence. Good luck this semester!


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