About me

Hi my name is Griffin Thomas. I have no nicknames so you all can continue to call me Griffin. I am originally from Boiling Springs, South Carolina. I lived in Rock Hill, South Carolina for two years while attending Winthrop University. I transferred here last year. I played soccer and baseball most of my life until I tore my ACL in early high school. For now my hobbies include work, school, and film. I do not have much time outside of school and work to pursue any new hobbies. I enjoy film and I keep putting off continuing writing a screenplay that I have wanted to get back to for a while. It will never see the light of day but its more of a personal accomplishment piece than anything else. I am currently a valet driver and can work anywhere from 15-40 hours a week. I usually work about thirty hours a week though. Before anyone asks, yes I hate it. I am only doing it to get through college. My ultimate goal is to be able to quit and go into a ELA teaching job at a good high school. Something interesting about me and my learning style is that I am an auditory learner. Hearing someone speak and listening is the way I learn the most. That is probably why I enjoy listening to audiobooks frequently while driving. Books have always been a big part of my life. I remember being around seven or eight years old and sneaking into my sister's room room to steal her Junie B. Jones books. I remembered being embarrassed that I was reading a girls book so I hid my reading. I don't want future kids to have to hide there reading. If it were not for those late night Junie B. Jones books I would have never fell in love with Kafka, Ellison, and Twain. I would not have the driving passion to teach in the future.


  1. My niece graduated from Winthrop University. You may have attended some classes with her. But we are overjoyed to have you at Upstate now! Baseball is one of my favorite sports, but it must have been devastating to tear your ACL. Keep working on that screenplay—you never know when it might see the light of day. Thank you for sharing your work schedule and for letting me know more about your learning style. I hope this course will be engaging for you. I admire your ambition to become a high school ELA teacher. I left my heart in an ELA classroom fourteen years ago, and would go back to it in a minute if I needed to. You will make an excellent teacher! Also, Junie B rocks! Never be embarrassed about what you are reading! I would love to learn more about why you love Kafka, Ellison (one of my favs) and Twain. Good luck this semester!


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