Introduction Blog

My name is Daniel Stacy, I am from Spartanburg, South Carolina. In high school I played  four sports, and in college I played tennis at Spartanburg Methodist College. Now I mostly just play basketball through intramural for fun. I work between 24 and 34 hours a week at a screen printing company about 15 minutes from campus, during the summers I am full time to pay my tuition. I am responsible for shipping several hundred packages, along with multiple other jobs in creating products for the loans and financing company Advance America. (We supply every AA store in the country). I learn best in a lecturing environment. I like old school teaching philosophies, where the teacher lectures or leads a discussion about a book, and I listen and contribute. As a child, I read a ton. I read every Harry Potter book that was out when I was just in first or second grade. I used to read more than I watched TV, a ratio which became heavily lopsided in the other direction when I hit about 7th grade. I don't know if a specific character stands out, but I became obsessed with a specific author when I was really young. Gary Paulson wrote many books that involved a young man lost in the wild or in survival situations. I am very involved in nature and that's what I loved to read when I was in elementary school. Now I like to read a good bit. I aspire to be some sort of writer, mainly in sports or copy writing  but recently I have been writing fiction and thoroughly enjoy it. Stephen King's biggest advice is to read all you can-- and he's pretty good at what he does-- so in the last few months I have been reading around 100 or so pages a day. Which is translating well into my school work!


  1. WOW! I am impressed with your reading diet! And I definitely agree with King’s advice in terms of reading voraciously if you want to become a writer. It’s super difficult to earn a living as a writer, so I am glad to know you have experience in printing and shipping to fall back on. In fact, your job seems like a pretty good creative outlet. I would love to learn more about your affection for outdoor activities. Good luck this semester!


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