To Charlie, From Fabiana

October 6th 1991 letter

Dear Charlie,
I'm glad you met Sam and Patrick and that you're making friends. Friends are really important in high school but they're important in general too. Grades are also important, but friends are what make life really special.
I thought it was pretty funny what you said about masturbation.
I'm glad that Sam was nice about you having a crush on her. You don't have to feel bad about having a crush. It's pretty normal to have crushes on people.
I think there is some truth to what your friend Patrick says about girls. Unfortunately they do copy their moms and magazines and what they see on tv. But not all of them are looking to change a guy. They are, like you, just trying to figure out who they are. Part of that involves putting on different identities, like disguises, and trying them out to see what fits. 
I think it's okay that you think a lot too. I used to think a lot when I was a teenager. I think that's why I've chosen this letter to write back to you about. I spent a lot of my time as a teenager daydreaming. I feel like I didn't really participate as much as I could have. I did hang out with my friends and I had a good time, though. It's okay to be off in your own world sometimes. 
Don't feel like you have to rush when it comes to dating. There will be plenty of time for you to date. I think your teacher just worries that you won't participate in life. But I'm sure that you will. Just spend time with your new friends and have fun.
You don't have to feel bad about your sister. I think you did the right thing telling your teacher and he did the right thing telling your parents. Your dad probably just worries about your sister. She's young and she's still learning about relationships. But it isn't your fault if she chooses to stay with someone who isn't good for her.
You're not a freak. I know it might feel at this age like you are but I think that the truth is everyone feels like a freak at some point. Especially when you're a teenager. It's just an awkward period of your life. 
I'm glad your dad apologized for hitting you. My dad is the same way. He never wanted to hurt me or my mom or my brother. He didn't beat us. But sometimes he could be scary when I was a kid because he would get pretty angry. Deep down, he loves us and is a good person. 
I think you're a good person too, Charlie, and you just need time to figure out who you are.
Wishing you all the best,


  1. I really like your blog post response to Charlie's letter. I agree with some of your main points. It is OK that Charlie thinks a lot. I have to agree with you that I once thought a lot when I was younger and I still do today. I think that thinking avoids from not being aware of the unknown. I also agree that Charlie is in the middle of figuring out who he is and it is great to have met Sam and Patrick along the way to help him get through these tough times. This is exactly what friends are for, they help shape us and play a major role in figuring out who we really are.


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