Hope Pierce- The Perks of Being A Wallflower Correspondence

I am replying to the letter on page 108 dated February 8, 1992. This letter is pretty much in the

middle of the story and it tells of the time where Charlie had to fill in for Craig in The Rocky Horror

Picture Show. I chose this letter because I think that this is one of the very few times in the novel that

Charlie is truly happy, and has no issues. It shows him participating in a high school activity with

other kids and he is at the peak of his happiness. I also think that this letter is the climax, or the last

time that everyone in their group is just happy and concentrating on being together as friends without

any problems arising.

Dear Charlie,

I have to say how proud that I am of you for helping out and playing Rocky in front of all of those

people. It took a great deal of courage to put yourself out there, and I am happy to report that you did

it wonderfully. I am glad that this was the best night of your whole life (p. 110) and that most

importantly that you had fun. Charlie, I urge you to hold on to this night and these memories that

you’ve made with your friends. Cling to them tightly so that when things start to get bad, you’ll have

a safe place to retreat to, to anchor you. Take the euphoric feelings that you have now and bottle them

up so that you can have something to make you feel better.

I am so excited about you having a date for the Sadie Hawkins' dance! To be honest I'm mostly just

glad that you're not going to be sitting alone in a corner during this dance, but out showing the world

what you've got on that dance floor! Since you asked I’ll give you a few tips on how to treat a girl on

a first date. First, make sure that you tell her that she looks beautiful and or pretty. Second, be you’re

self. And lastly, but also the most important, have fun.

                                                                                                               Love Always,


  1. I loved this part too, this is a great letter!

  2. I think your letter was really nice. Charlie being asked to the dance is one of my favorite parts also because, I was glad that he was finally being happy.

  3. I love that you picked this letter to respond to. I like this part of the book as he plays the role of Rocky. He was able to be apart of something special and he also got to share this moment with his friends and his crush Sam. I don't believe this part could've been any better.


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