Lucy McElroy - A Letter for Charlie

I chose to reply to this letter because On the Road by Jack Kerouac is one of my favorite books. This is the letter Charlie writes right after reading the book and he describes discussing the book with Bill. Bill picked a great book to give Charlie because he can easily be compared to Sal Paradise of On the Road in that Sal fits the “wallflower” characterization. Sal befriends Dean Moriarty, an outgoing and adventurous character who helps him experience the thrills in life, just like Charlie befriends Sam and Patrick, who are standing up on the backs of trucks and experimenting with drugs. On page 28 of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie says this about the books Bill has been giving him:
“It’s strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book.”

Letter Date: February 2, 1992 - Page 106

Dear Charlie,

I’ve also read On the Road. I really enjoy the way it’s written because Kerouac doesn’t conform to the traditional writing standards of narratives. He writes rhythmically and “runs his sentences together,” just like you said you did before Bill taught you to use punctuation (14). I think that the way you write is conversational and it feels like you’re actually talking to me, so it isn’t such a bad thing. Like you said, you write the way you talk (11). Do you identify with Kerouac’s style of writing? You could be good at it.

Not only did he write in spontaneous prose, but Kerouac also used a typewriter! I think there’s a reason Bill gave you that book. You’re like Kerouac’s character, Sal Paradise, in a lot of ways. Of course, you’re not as old as him, but you’re definitely smart, especially with the books you’ve been reading.

Do you remember how Sal Paradise seemed upset when his friends weren’t around? I think Sam and Patrick are there for you like Dean Moriarty is there for Sal. Sal is kind of like a “wallflower,” like Patrick said you are (37). You aren’t the one initiating all of the fun journeys your friends take you on and Sal isn’t either. Dean is the source of the antics that Sal gets into. I think it’s important that you have friends like that, friends who will help you experience life to the fullest.

Love always,


(from DeviantArt user: ­­naleme)
Graphics made with Canva –


  1. Definitely love your picture. I also like the idea of Charlie being seen as a future writer. Alot of the time characters kind of die off at the end of the book and we forget about them after that. I like that you took a closer look at his writing style and identified it as a great start to such a career. Also, I think that Bill might have taken Charlie under his wing because Charlie can see himself in Charlie, like how he was in high school.


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