Frances Bowles

I have to admit reading this novel was daunting. I think since I've seen the movie multiple times reading it did not quite work for me. Despite not loving the novel more than the film, I will say that it's very detailed and descriptive throughout the book; for example, "Finally, I fill a plate with rolls and sit at the table, breaking off bits and dipping them into hot chocolate..." pg. 87.
I can't help but wonder if Collins meant to have another meaning behind the story. Despite it being about a teenage girl trying to protect her little sister from unquestionably dying in the games, I think it could also define what it means to leave your comfort zone. Katniss hunts and tries to provide for her family, making her the father and mother of the house which are roles she's been taking on since her father's death. Entering the games for Prim's sake can be seen as her also wanting to get away from her everyday life; therefore, I don't think it's about her trying to survive but her finally living by being away from her home problems and getting to focus on herself.

I think The Hunger Games is a great novel for YA because it teaches readers to not be afraid and that they can conquer any obstacle that may come their way. Since, it pertains to YA this novel and The Absolutely True Diary are similar in a context of the characters finding themselves; for example, Arnold realizing that he doesn't need to be a stereotype in order to be a true Indian. While Katniss, discovers her strength and capability to survive.


  1. I understand what you mean about liking the movie better than the book. I'm with you 100% there. I'm also really intrigued about you saying that the games was really a chance for Katniss to start living her life. That is a great observation that many people wouldn't think about, and I have to agree with your analysis.

  2. I agree with you. I think The Hunger Games is a great way to let teens explore issues about themselves and society that they may not have had to confront before.


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