Stephanie Dawkins - Everything is going to be all right

The letter that I am responding to is on page 208 dated August 23, 1992. I chose this letter because everyone finally found out what was going on between Charlie and Aunt Helen and can now get a better understanding of all the things that Charlie has gone through and still is going through because of the tragic events that occurred every Saturday. Also Charlie is now at a point in his life where he realizes that everything is going to be all right and even if its not at the moment, eventually it will be. 

Dear Charlie, 
         I must start by saying that you've developed so much over the course of the year. I know that things this year weren't the best starting with the death of Michael and ending with your mental breakdown that led you to be put in the hospital for two months, but this journey has made you grow in so many remarkable ways. I am also glad that you had so much support during this time and I hope that this letter helps you with your recovery.
            I agree with you Charlie, there will always be someone to blame for the things that happen in life but we cannot go through life blaming everyone because it will never change what has already happened. You realized this and if you keep this in mind you will be able to go through life. I also loved how you plan to not tell your kids that there are people in China who is starving as this is true, but what good is it doing for them- like you said, it will not change the fact that they are upset.
            However, I just want to let you know that if this is your last letter to me, I will completely understand. Although I’ll miss hearing from you I’ll know that you are busy participating in school events and most importantly, I’ll know that things are good with you, and even if they’re not, they will be soon enough. And I want you to believe the same for me, things are good with me and even if they’re not, I know and you know that they will be soon. So take care Charlie, participate, read, enjoy life, but most importantly be happy. I hope to hear from you one day…
Love Always,

Your Dear Friend Stephanie


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