Manette Tanelus- Response to Charlie's Last Letter

Dear, Charlie
         Addressing your letter from August 23, 1992:

          I don't know if people tell you this enough but you are important, and you are strong. You seem to identify with the world wallflower. Remember when Patrick said "You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand"(37)? That is very important quality to have and people love you for it. A wallflower's presence is felt, it is necessary even if they think nobody notices them. The wallflower is like the emotional mediator of the room, and without him everything is off balance. That is the reason that your entire family contacted you in the hospital, Sam sent you letters, and Patrick came to see you.
         One of my favorite things you said in this book is "I'd like to blame my Aunt Helen, I would have to blame he dad for hitting her and the friend of the family that fooled around with her....I just couldn't...Because it wasn't the point"(211). This part of your letter truly shows how strong you are because instead of blaming people for what happened to you, you acknowledged that it was part of your life that you can grow from. Unfortunately Aunt Helen is like the brother who learned to drink at his father's knee, but I hope you are like the brother who never drank (211).
        On a last note, I would like for you to remember that everyone needs to cry and everyone needs tunnel moments. Nobody has a perfect life, and sometimes horrible and crappy things happen to you. You will always feel better if you cry and if you take a moment every once in a while to do something that makes you feel infinite. I never had a tunnel, instead I like to go the Fort-Lauderdale Beach at night in Florida with my favorite drinks and listen to Alicia Keys.



  1. "A wallflower's presence is felt, it is encessary even if they think nobody notices them."
    That's a great thought! I like your response to Charlie's letter. That is some really good inside about the character in this book and the context of the 'wallflower' theme.
    I agree that everyone needs tunnel moments! I think it's easy to feel infinite on the beach.

  2. I like your motivation in your letter. If Charlie was to actually read this, I believe that would really help him out a lot. Also, many people like to blame other people all the time but not Charlie, he realized that things happen in life and sometimes you just have to continue to move forward


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