Niya Cephas; Hunger Games

This was my second time reading The Hunger Games but the only difference was that I didn't just have my thoughts and opinions on the book but other, broader, thoughts from my classmates as well. Which was great because I notice a lot of different themes and outlooks that I didn't think about the first time I read this book. When I first read The Hunger Games I only thought of how strong and Katniss and Peeta were. Or how intense the careers and everyone else fighting for their lives in the game were. But now that I am analyzing the text and asking questions I have noticed so many new things.

I have taken into account exactly how this book would relate to adolescents today. Nowadays its kind of a split between reading for pleasure and reading because you have to. But sometimes teens read to get away from reality which is ultimately how I see how this book can relate with adolescents today. We obviously do not live in a dystopian society where we face life and death situations day to day...well...if you're...nah I won't go off on that tangent but all in all we aren't throwing kids into a big dome to kill one another basically. But going back to how adolescents read nowadays, they might connect with this on a 'getting away from reality type basis' Whenever they pick up the book they throw themselves into the lives of Katniss and Peeta and the games. I know that's how I read this book. Although some YA may not be able to connect with the characters through killing or fighting for their lives but they can connect with them by seeing how Katniss overcomes obstacles in hard situations. Overall this book is a great read for not just YA just all other ages as well.


  1. I'll definitely agree with this book being good for people of all ages. I was dubious about if I'd like it but i was pleasantly surprised.

    This book is also super relatable as well, despite, as you said, the fact that teenagers aren't being forced into neo-gladiator fights to the death. Part of that is definitely due to the sheer personality that Katniss has.


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