
 It was hard, reading through Wintergirls, not because of any personal experience with eating disorders, but because of how badly warped Lia was by her 'competition' with Cassie and how she kept going even after her friend died. As someone who took a course on psychology and sociology, it was hard to watch and read as Lia struggled with her eating disorder and other mental issues, including self-harm. It's important for everyone, especially adolescents, to be able to see what happens in Wintergirls and realize that it is important to talk about these issues and how you feel. It's hard to get help and get treatment for mental illness or disorders like this if you do not tell others. I feel Lia is somewhat lucky seeing as she seems to resist the disorder enough to largely return to a safe eating schedule, because most who suffer from these conditions have a very hard time resisting it in any meaningful way.

It's also important for an adolescent reader to understand that the emotions that can come with eating disorders are powerful and can misguide them. Again, i feel communication is the key method to resolving these issues and helping process what they feel. Even if it isn't a parent, sometimes it's good to talk, even about things you don't want to. Lia almost portrays her eating disorder as some sort of addiction or obsession, constantly needing to satisfy it. This is a touchy part of the discussion for me, and it was very unnerving to see it, as i do have a grandmother who used to be a chain smoker and alcoholic who has mentally destroyed herself and now seems to be less-than-tethered to reality. Her abuse of my father left him with lasting issues that have never properly healed, and while he has moved on and become a better person, her nearby presence is always an unhappy window to the past, delivered by vacant eyes and an addled mind that remembers nothing as it was and struggles with even the simplest truths. 

An adolescent should be reminded of how not all addictions are just booze or tobacco, however. Some people are addicted to more non-physical things, such as adrenaline or other extreme sensations. It's okay to cut loose and have fun. it's not to tempt fate and gamble with your life just for the next rush. Moderation and respect for our nature as very fallible and very fragile beings is important to teach. Bones can only break so many times before they never heal right. Tendons and Ligaments can only be reattached so much before they are irreparable. The body is special, and it should be treated with respect.


  1. I agree that it is really important to talk about these issues even if it is hard or uncomfortable.


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